A project from Food Media to host a cooking show of my modified and simplified version of an Indonesian traditional dish called Nasi Tumpeng.

What is Nasi Tumpeng?

Nasi Tumpeng is a traditional Indonesian dish that originated from Javanese cuisine. It is traditional made during the slamatan ceremony. It consists of cone-shaped rice surrounding by side dishes of vegetables and meat. It is usually shared with a group of people.

For my project, I decided to create a one-person dish using my mum’s recipe as a reference. Here is how my mum’s version of her Nasi Tumpeng that she made back in 2017.

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Here is the recipe guide video of my simplified Nasi Tumpeng:

I took about 2 months to plan and film the entire video. My sister and my mum helped to film using a video camera and a DSLR camera. The video includes a short interview with my mum on what is Nasi Tumpeng as my mum is from Indonesia and she knows more about the dish.

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